Friday, November 07, 2003

Ash Fields

Here's a story about how farmers have been affected by the California fires. I was lucky during our big fire this summer and only lost about 2000 acres of grass. The effort, agony and despair that I felt while fighting the fire and saving as much grass as I could is hard for me too describe. So much of a farmer/ranchers soul/life gets tied up in trying to save, and losing crops or grass or livestock that it feels like a member of your family is dying to them. I really have sympathy for them and can understand the agony they are going through and even though there are many times government assistance programs after a disaster like this, it just can't make you whole from what you lost. Please join me in praying for all those that have lost lives and/or property in all the fires here and elsewhere this year.

I don't need to go to Las Vegas, I gamble every year as a farmer. Monty Winkler (third-generation California farmer)