Thursday, December 04, 2003

Help Arrives

Well ever since I have been writing this I have been looking for a hired hand to help out around the place. Finding and keeping someone to work on the place is a nightmare. I can never seem to find anyone that is competent and willing to stay on any length of time. Hell, even if they aren't competent they don't stick around.

Just before Thanksgiving I hired a guy from down south and he said he would be here on the 3rd of December. Well the quality and intelligence of people that I can find to do this kind of work I didn't think he would show till next week or better. Well surprise of surprises he showed up right on time. Now if he is competent and will stay awhile things might be looking up around here.

Everyone rises to their level of incompetence.
Laurence J. Peter (1919 - 1988)