Friday, November 28, 2003

The Crush

The day after Thanksgiving seems to be the start of Christmas shopping for many people. All the retail stores seem to run sales and open early to take advantage of the shopping season. Personally I cannot imagine going to town and shopping on this day. The crush of people that they report happens on this day would drive me crazy. Working out in the open and by myself much of the time it does not take many people to drive me crazy. What is really funny is that when I was in the Navy I was in the submarine service and serving on submarines did not bother me at all. Now the idea of being in that little tube and being in that small crowded place makes me claustrophobic. I guess times change and people change.

Shopping's absolutely impossible nowadays. You can't get near the counter, and when you do, they haven't got it and you pay twice as much for it. Arthur Wimperis (1874-1953)