Friday, December 05, 2003

Spend That Money

I see here that the President and his so called advisors are looking for ways to spend more of our hard earned money. They are said to looking for “ideas for a fresh agenda for the final year of his term.” In my humble opinion it will also give him more campaign issues and deflect public attention from the debacle that is currently going on in Iraqi.

It looks to me like all the ideas they are considering are ‘big money’ ideas and are going to cost us taxpayers quite a chunk of money to pay for them. Along with some of these ‘big money’ ideas are other proposals to make tax cuts permanent. While I am all for making tax cuts permanent, the idea of spending more money and keeping collections low are just going to balloon our deficit more than he already has.

We are involved in a war/police action in Iraqi and I don’t see that we need to be spending more money when we are already going deeper into debt. I don’t see how the government can continually spend more than it takes in. All that they are doing is adding a future burden to me and my children that we might not be able to support. If I did that in my private business I would no longer be in business. The books have to balance even if at times it is personally very painful, you figure out a way to do it.

Live within your means, never be in debt, and by husbanding your money you can always lay it out well. But when you get in debt you become a slave. Therefore I say to you never involve yourself in debt, and become no man’s surety. Andrew Jackson (1767–1845), U.S. president