Saturday, November 01, 2003

Honesty and Integrity Prevail

At times I, like many other people, worry about how our younger generation is growing up and the values that they appear to lack. Well today I run across a story that makes me feel better about the younger generation today (High school QB says record pass tainted).
Here is a young man with the integrity and honesty to request that his passing record in football be removed from the official records of the football association since his coach, and the opposing coach, conspired to let him complete his final pass to make the record.
The media, in doing its job, tends to always tell us about the bad children and overlook those that do the right, moral, and decent thing in life. Many times I have heard older people disparage the younger generation and its lack of morals and character. I personally know many honest, hard-working young people and it is not fair to say this about them. We all need to remember that just because all we hear about is the bad kids does not mean all kids are bad.

Where is there dignity unless there is honesty? Cicero(106 BC - 43 BC)