Thursday, November 13, 2003

TV Network

Former Vice President Al Gore announced quite awhile ago that he planned on starting a liberal TV network to combat the conservative voice in the media. Well according to this article now he says "The "quasi-hypnotic influence" of television in America has fostered a complacent nation". He also states "Our democracy is suffering in an age when the dominant medium is not accessible to the average person...Instead it pushes toward a lowest common denominator." If this is the way he feels why is he starting a TV network?
Doesn't he know it will only pander to the "lowest common denominator." I sure wish he could make up his mind. Either the TV is a medium to spread your message or it is not. You can't have it both ways.

As an aside I do agree that television does push towards the lowest common denominator in our society and I also agree that the Internet seems to be where the debates and thought in our society is moving to as is talked about in the article.

Television has proved that people will look at anything rather than each other. Ann Landers